On the whole, AJ Bell’s fees are very low. Charges primarily consist of a custody charge, paid monthly, with an additional ‘dealing charge’ which you pay each time you buy or sell shares or funds.
I’ve discovered a couple of areas you don’t want to get caught out on, however. I’ll explain more in my verdict on fees, below.
SIPPs / Junior SIPP / Stocks and shares ISA
For A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a type of private pension that allows you to control the specific investments that make up your pension fundSIPPs
,A junior self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a way of investing money for your child’s future retirement, free from capital gains and dividend tax. As it is designed to be started before a child turns 18, it must be opened by a parent or guardian although anyone can contribute. Once the beneficiary turns 18, they take control of the account, however, the money within the account cannot usually be accessed until age 55 (rising to 57 in 2028 and likely to rise further)Junior SIPPs
and Sometimes called an investment ISA, a stocks and shares ISA is an individual savings account that allows you to invest in shares, unit trusts, investment funds, and bonds. You will not need to pay tax on any income or capital gains earned on investments within an ISAstocks and shares ISAs
, the same fees apply, and they consist of:
Custody fees
- For shares / ETFs / investment trusts / gilts / bonds: 0.25% (max £10 per month)
- For funds: 0.25% on value up to £250k
- 0.10% on value £250k – £500k
- 0% for value over £500k
Share dealing fees:
- Standard share dealing charge: £5.00
- Frequent shares dealing charge (10 or more trades in the previous month): £3.50
- Funds dealing charge: £1.50
- AJ Bell fund: no dealing charge

Lifetime ISA
If you open a Lifetime ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) (LISAs) are designed to help you save for your first home or retirement and come with an automatic 25% government bonus on all contributions up to the value of £4,000. There are stocks and shares LISAs – where you invest your savings – and cash LISAs – where you earn interest on your savings. You must be between 18 and 40 to open a LISA and all income, capital gains and interest earned within LISAs is tax-free, although these funds can only be used to purchase your first home or for retirement. Ensure you are familiar with the rules surrounding this account before utilising itLifetime ISA
, you’ll need to pay:
Custody charge:
- For shares / ETFs / investment trusts / gilts / bonds: 0.25% (max £3.50 per month)
- For funds: 0.25% (no cap)
If you want to trade, you’ll need to pay dealing charges:
- Shares dealing charge: £5.00
- Frequent shares dealing charge (10 or more trades in the previous month): £3.50
- Funds dealing charge: £1.50
- AJ Bell fund: no dealing charge
Junior ISA
Unlike Hargreaves Lansdown, which offers a fee-free Junior ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) (JISAs) are tax-free savings accounts for children under the age of 18. Only a parent can open a JISA but anyone can contribute. You can choose to save for your children through either a cash Junior ISA where you will earn interest on any cash in the account, or a stocks and shares Junior ISA where you will invest your child’s savings on their behalfJunior ISA
, AJ Bell charges fees of:
Custody charge:
- shares / ETFs / investment trusts / gilts / bonds: 0.25% (max £2.50 per month)
- Funds: 0.25% (no cap)
Shares dealing charge:
- Regular shares dealing charge: £5.00
- Frequent shares dealing charge (10 or more trades in the previous month): £3.50
- Funds dealing charge: £1.50
The verdict?
AJ Bell’s custody fees come with one of the lowest headline rates in the UK market – 0.25% – and thanks to a recent reduction in dealing fee rates, it’s possible to keep overall fees lower than those of most other investment providers.
However, there are a couple of things it’s worth noting:
You may have noticed from the fee listings above, that there is a cap on how much you can be charged when your account consists of shares / ETFs / investment trusts / gilts / bonds. This is not the case where you hold funds. Therefore, if you intend to solely invest in funds, beware: your custody charge could work out far more expensive with AJ Bell, than with their competitors. Just take a look at these examples to see the differences I’m talking about:
£625 to hold funds vs £42 to hold shares is crazy! Of course, this is assuming you only hold shares / ETFs / investment trusts / gilts / bonds, or funds. Many people will hold a mixture of assets so your fees will be somewhere between the two extremes listed in the table above.
I should also point out that once you own over £500k of assets in funds, AJ Bell scraps the custody charge on anything above that amount, so you won’t find yourself paying ever increasing amounts if you hold millions. For those somewhere in the middle, however, it’s a pricey way to hold funds.
Dealing fees of £5 / £3.50 per trade soon add up. If you want to trade shares regularly, it might make more financial sense to look at one of the newer trading platforms offering zero commission. Trading 212, Freetrade, and AJ Bell’s pared-back, no-frills investment app Dodl, offer zero dealing fees on shares. More on Dodl, below.
- There is a cheaper way to trade with AJ Bell
If you’re happy having a slimmed down selection of assets to trade, you could check out AJ Bell’s ultra-low-fee brand, Dodl. It’s well-suited to those wanting to start small and keep costs to the bare minimum (custody fees are 0.15% vs 0.25% with the mainstream AJ Bell accounts). And, as I pointed out above, there are no dealing fees on shares and funds either.
Interest paid on cash
AJ Bell pays interest on uninvested cash in SIPPs and ISAs, and additionally, doesn’t apply its annual platform custody charge to cash balances.
Current rates are:
Although not bad at the top end, these are far from the highest rates available, especially for those with smaller balances. For comparison:
All figures were correct at the time of publishing. While we attempt to update figures as soon as we become aware of changes, the most accurate way to obtain the latest data is to check with the provider directly.
Transfer fees
There are no fees for transferring in or out of your AJ Bell account.
Deposit fees
There are no charges for depositing money into your AJ Bell account.
Minimum deposit
The minimum amount you can deposit into a cash savings account is £1,000. For all other accounts, there is no minimum; you can pay in what you want, when you want. If you want to save smaller amounts regularly, you’ll need to commit to a minimum of £25 per month.
A foreign exchange (FX) fee is added to all trades involving foreign currencies. If you buy a stock that trades in US dollars, for example, and your home account is in GB pounds, you’ll need to pay an FX fee.FX fees
A foreign exchange charge is levied when trading in an international currency. At AJ Bell, the rates charged are:
- 0.75% for the first £10k
- 0.50% for the next £10k
- 0.25% on values over £20k
Those rates, while not the highest I’ve seen, aren’t the most competitive around as this comparison chart shows: