There is a simple range of savings and investment accounts here. It’s worth noting that interest rates differ between the various plans but the A Cash ISA (Individual Savings Account) is a tax-free savings account where you earn interest without having to pay tax on it, allowing you to grow your savings more efficiently. cash ISA
rate is the second highest rate available at the time of writing.

Savings account
- Easy Access Savings – 4.00% The annual equivalent rate (AER) is used to describe the percentage of interest you’ll receive on your savings and investments. AER accounts for compound interest whereas the gross interest rate does not. AER is also known as APY (the annual percentage yield). AER

- Plum Interest – 4.96% VAR
- Cash ISA – 3.54% AER + a 1.51% boost (5.05% total) for new customers for 12 months
These are great savings rates. I have my own cash ISA here (as of the 2024-25 tax year you are at liberty to open more than one ISA account) and I have no complaints so far. It’s a variable rate, which means it can change at any time.
It’s worth noting that the rate is only for the first 12 months, after which you will lose the bonus rate of 0.88% AER. Also, the rate will drop to 3.00% if your balance drops below £100 or you withdraw more than 4 times.
Investing accounts
- Sometimes called an investment ISA, a stocks and shares ISA is an individual savings account that allows you to invest in shares, unit trusts, investment funds, and bonds. You will not need to pay tax on any income or capital gains earned on investments within an ISAStocks and shares ISA

- A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a type of private pension that allows you to control the specific investments that make up your pension fundSIPP

The stocks and shares ISA will give you access to the range of investment funds on offer at Plum. It is a limited selection, however, there are some pretty decent options in there which makes this an ideal choice for someone who doesn’t want to be overwhelmed but still wants to see their investment grow.
Of particular note is the Legal and General Tech Giants fund which has continued to see considerable growth for the past few years. Lack of choice needn’t be a negative thing, as long as the choices are good and I believe this is the case here. There is plenty of opportunity for diversification, and the introduction of individual stocks will offer an opportunity for investors who want to branch out into choosing their own assets to do so.
The pension product at Plum is worth going into more detail on. This is because here at Investing Insiders we did some research around the historical returns of the various platforms offering A ready-made portfolio is a pre-made collection of investments that have been put together by investment experts. They are designed to be a simple option for those who don’t want to choose individual stocks or funds for themselves.ready-made portfolios
for pension savers.
Plum sits comfortably in the middle of the pack among their peers when you look at the 1-year returns; however, a more compelling comparison comes when you toggle between 3, 5, and 10-year returns. (The graph below is interactive, allowing you to choose between time frames in the top left).
However, portfolio returns are only part of the overall picture, and Plum isn’t always a cost-effective option. So we showed what their returns look like once you take off the fees you would have paid to achieve them and the results were still great. They are only beaten in this example by Moneybox; however, Plum had a better cash ISA interest rate at the time I wrote this review, so it would depend on what your overall purpose was as to whether this was going to be the best option.
This is a basic range of account types and assets; however, it covers all bases for most people just starting on saving and investing and makes for an uncomplicated and easy-to-navigate interface.
Investment options
This is never going to be the most comprehensive selection of investment options, but for new investors who could find a wide breadth of options intimidating, this is plenty.
Funds are offered in various sectors or as index trackers. This means that you can always access something worth investing in. We are big fans of index trackers here at Investing Insiders and the Vanguard Core US fund tracks the S&P Total Market Index, which has historically been fruitful.
There are 9 extra funds available with the Premium account, although I wouldn’t necessarily think they were worth the additional cost.
The most recent addition to the Plum offering is the individual stocks that can now be accessed. Again, it is a limited offering but all trades are commission-free.
The big appeal to the selection of stocks is the fact that you can purchase Fractional shares are portions of shares (or ETFs) that are smaller than one whole share. They are designed to make ownership of large, expensive shares more accessible. fractional shares
. This allows you to purchase a piece of stock that you may not otherwise be able to afford.
However, be aware of A foreign exchange (FX) fee is added to all trades involving foreign currencies. If you buy a stock that trades in US dollars, for example, and your home account is in GB pounds, you’ll need to pay an FX fee.FX fees
when buying and selling non-UK stocks. At 0.45%, the FX charge is fairly average (eToro and interactive investor charge 1.5%) but this is still a consideration worth taking.

Money-saving tools
This is where I believe Plum take the lead over all the other money saving apps out there. That’s because as well as offering tools such as round-ups and payday boosts, at Plum they harness the wisdom of algorithms and AI to analyse your income and expenditure in order to transfer small amounts of money from your bank account into your Plum savings account.
I’ve used this service myself for several years and can confirm that it is an effective and painless way to save money. You literally won’t notice the difference (apart from Plum does send you a notification each time it transfers money).
Ready-made portfolio performance
Plum isn’t a robo advisor, so it won’t match you with a A ready-made portfolio is a pre-made collection of investments that have been put together by investment experts. They are designed to be a simple option for those who don’t want to choose individual stocks or funds for themselves.ready-made portfolio
. There are funds on offer, and some of those are a good option, however, none of them are exclusive to Plum.
This means that the funds on offer at Plum were excluded from our initial analysis of ready-made portfolios. However, in order to give you a picture of whether you would have made significant gains at Plum in the past, we have analysed the funds on offer and compared their results to the industry average.