It’s possible to get some excellent rates through Bestinvest. The ‘Smart’ A ready-made portfolio is a pre-made collection of investments that have been put together by investment experts. They are designed to be a simple option for those who don’t want to choose individual stocks or funds for themselves.ready-made portfolio
, in particular, is a steal, but there are a few higher-than-average charges to watch out for, too.
Bestinvest’s fees apply across all account types, including Sometimes called an investment ISA, a stocks and shares ISA is an individual savings account that allows you to invest in shares, unit trusts, investment funds, and bonds. You will not need to pay tax on any income or capital gains earned on investments within an ISAISAs
, Junior ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) (JISAs) are tax-free savings accounts for children under the age of 18. Only a parent can open a JISA but anyone can contribute. You can choose to save for your children through either a cash Junior ISA where you will earn interest on any cash in the account, or a stocks and shares Junior ISA where you will invest your child’s savings on their behalfJunior ISAs
, General investment account (GIA) is an account designed to provide access to investments. You may be liable for tax on any income or capital gains earned within a general investment account but this can be a useful vehicle for anyone who has maxed out their ISA allowanceInvestment Accounts
and A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a type of private pension that allows you to control the specific investments that make up your pension fundSIPPs
(although adult SIPPs have minimum monthly fee rules which could increase your costs).
So, what will you be charged? If you hold investments with Bestinvest, you’ll pay:
Annual service fees (deducted monthly)
- For ready-made portfolios / US shares: 0.2% on £0 – £500k, reduced to 0.1% on £500k – £1m, and zero cost on values over £1m.
That’s a reasonable price for ready-made portfolios and seems a good deal for US shares as there are also no dealing fees to factor in. However, FX fees at a fixed 0.95%, no matter the size of the trade, means total fees can work out far from low-cost.
- For UK shares / other funds: 0.4% on £0 – £250k, fees reduce on a tiered basis to zero on values over £1m.
These fees on UK shares and funds make BestInvest one of the most expensive providers, especially for larger portfolio holders as you can see from this price comparison I’ve done:
SIPPs (excluding Junior SIPPs) have a minimum service fee of £10 per month which makes it a pricey pension for smaller pension pots as you can see from this comparison table:

It’s Bestinvest’s trading fees that make it such an attractive proposition. Per trade, you’ll pay:
UK shares: £4.95
US shares: Free
Funds: Free
When you consider that you are also able to access free coaching and the benefits of a big, established brokerage, this is cheap. If you plan to make regular trades, Bestinvest could represent great value for money.
Depending on the individual investments you make, there may be other charges, such as the ongoing charges figure (OCF) for funds. and stamp duty on shares. (Anyone buying shares in a UK company will need to pay stamp duty.)
- Ongoing charges for funds (OCF)
These vary from fund to fund and you’ll find these are applied to whichever brokerage you use. The ‘Smart’ portfolios have an OCF of 0.35% – one of the lowest fund charges you’re likely to find but then these portfolios are specifically focused on cost-efficient investments such as ETFs. The ‘Expert’ and ‘Direct’ portfolios are more pricey, with OCFs of 1.5%. That’s the upper end of average charges for active funds so may not represent quite such good value for money.
- A foreign exchange (FX) fee is added to all trades involving foreign currencies. If you buy a stock that trades in US dollars, for example, and your home account is in GB pounds, you’ll need to pay an FX fee.FX fees

When you trade non-UK shares, the share price needs to be converted into sterling. Bestinvest charges 0.95% for this service, which is comparatively high as you can see from the table below. AJ Bell, for example, charges 0.75% – 0.25%.
On the plus side, you won’t pay a foreign exchange fee on dividend reinvestment or payouts.
Interest paid on cash
Bestinvest does relatively well here, paying 3.95% on all cash held in any of your accounts.
Transfer fees
No fee.
Withdrawal fees
No fee.
Deposit fees
No fee.
Minimum deposit
£50 (£100 for some funds).
I did a bit of analysis of Bestinvest’s costs and compared them to other Junior ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) (JISAs) are tax-free savings accounts for children under the age of 18. Only a parent can open a JISA but anyone can contribute. You can choose to save for your children through either a cash Junior ISA where you will earn interest on any cash in the account, or a stocks and shares Junior ISA where you will invest your child’s savings on their behalfJISA
providers. The first table is including FX fees (the fee you’ll pay to convert currency if you buy or sell international assets), and the second table is without FX fees. Bestinvest sits around the midway mark on both, although it does slightly better when the cost of trading international shares and funds is taken into account.
Please note: all published fees are correct at time of publishing. However, we suggest checking Bestinvest’s website for the most up-to-date figures.